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BLOCK T is excited to announce that we have found a new home in Basin View in Dublin 8, and we are calling on all who care about creative spaces in the city to join us and invest in the future of BLOCK T through our new crowd-funding campaign.


BLOCK T’s story


We in BLOCK T have advocated for the role that creativity and culture has to play in our society for the last six years, through independently providing high quality supports, facilities, activities and events to the public. The intention to start BLOCK T was to create a viable and sustainable entity that would contribute to the generation of jobs in the creative industries, and to support creative practitioners and communities to reimagine Dublin’s urban environments.


Opening its doors in 2010, in the depths of Ireland’s financial crisis, BLOCK T quickly became a vibrant and accessible hub for the local and creative community, and provided a much-needed space where anyone could walk in, visit an exhibition, listen to up and coming Irish musicians and artists, network and share with like-minded people, sign up to a course, seek inspiration, or simply grab a coffee and work on their latest project. 


With no start-up investment or loans, we developed revenue streams which allowed it to run independently and sustainably during these years. BLOCK T proved that creativity can flourish even in the depths of an economic downturn, bringing life to an area in much need of rejuvenation. 


What kind of Ireland do we want?


We believe that right now the case for promoting and supporting the arts in Ireland has never been stronger. As we experience the upturn in the economy and increased rental costs, we have witnessed the closure of over 50% of Ireland’s grassroots arts organisations over the past two years. BLOCK T is now facing this same challenge with our current building in Smithfield due to be redeveloped, which means we had to move out on March 31st. 


Despite these difficult changes taking place, we at BLOCK T want our city to remain a vibrant, colourful place that celebrates its culture and builds communities, providing people with access to creative activities and education. We know we have a role to play, and believe that we can meet new challenges head-on.


Answer the culture call!


The good news is that BLOCK T has met the first of these challenges by finding a new home in Basin View in Dublin 8, which will house shared creative work environments, as well as open plan educational and cultural facilities for the local community.


However, we need your support to make this happen and to ensure BLOCK T survives and thrives into the future. This is a real opportunity for people to act, to intervene and to support something special in Dublin.


Our target in this crowd-funding drive is €15,000. This will provide us with a vital springboard to support some of the costs involved in setting up the new facility for the public. We ask you to consider making a donation in return for a unique reward and encourage you to share this webpage as widely as possible. We believe that every form of support from you, whether it is big or small, is an investment in your creative community and will allow BLOCK T to continue its work of providing a community space for creativity, sharing, learning and expression.


BLOCK T rewards


€10 - a big Thank You on our website


€25 - the above plus a print by a BLOCK T artist


€50 - all of the above plus a vinyl record from an artist that has previously played in BLOCK T 


€100 - all of the above plus a 15% discount on a Skillsets course 


€250 - all of the above plus a free Skillsets course of your choice


€500 - all of the above plus an invite to a special dinner party in BLOCK T’s new home 


€1000 - all of the above plus a specially commissioned artwork from one of BLOCK T’s in-house artists



Be part of the change



An inspiring destination is inclusive, innovative, expressive and reflects all shades of the community it inhabits. The cultural architects and animators of the city, from grassroots organisations to institutions and all in between, are the ones who fuel its beating heart. 


We believe that real change can be achieved through people collaboratively coming together to up-skill, share knowledge and express ideas. This is what BLOCK T in its new home will offer. 


We seek to bring culture to the people and for the people, advocating that creativity is in all things and should be accessible to everyone from all backgrounds. We believe that creativity enriches people’s lives and we aspire to influence societal change through this engagement.



Be part of the change, see culture differently. 



 #blocktrisesagain #answertheculturecall #creativedublin


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